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laser engraver

3d laser cutting machine can be used to cut the side of automobile

Three-dimensional five-axis laser cutting machine for cutting complex curved surface of three dimensional laser processing equipment, has been widely used in Europe, Japan and the market demand is more and more big, the 70 s ~ 80 s of the 20th century, Europe, Italy, Japan and other countries have successively developed the three dimensional 3d laser cutting machine, is comparatively mature technology development to the present, original position precision machine tool is at level 10 um, It is a kind… Read More »3d laser cutting machine can be used to cut the side of automobile

Factors affecting 3015 fiber laser cutting machine to process rough 

In the 3015 fiber laser cutting machine processing process, there are strict requirements for laser cutting roughness, especially for thick plate workpiece, in the cutting process if you do not pay attention to it is likely to cause cutting errors, so it is generally required to control the roughness of laser cutting machine cutting surface. For the laser cutting of the sheet with a thickness of more than 2mm, the distribution of the roughness of the cutting surface is not… Read More »Factors affecting 3015 fiber laser cutting machine to process rough 

How to choose and use the cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting nozzle

One, cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting thin plate (below 3mm), the choice of φ 1mm diameter nozzle will be relatively fine, and the choice of φ 1.5mm diameter nozzle will be relatively thick, and the corner of the place will be easier to contain stains. Two, cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting thick plate (more than 3mm), the choice of φ 1mm aperture nozzle use is not very stable. Because at this time the cutting power is higher, the relative cooling… Read More »How to choose and use the cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting nozzle

Durmapress is specialized in solutions for the Tube and Pipe industries, and the new Laser Tube Cutting Line

Fiber laser cutting machine shutdown sequence 1. Turn off the suction fan or dust collector; 2. Turn off the fiber laser high voltage, the machine tool back to the origin, and then turn off the control system as required. After the control system is closed, press the power button to turn off the control system power, and turn off the total power switch of the machine tool; 3. Turn off the chiller; 4. Turn off the cold and dry machine,… Read More »Durmapress is specialized in solutions for the Tube and Pipe industries, and the new Laser Tube Cutting Line

Precautions for switching sequence of 1kw fiber laser cutting machine

1kw fiber laser cutting machine is the core equipment of fiber laser cutting machine. One of the main reasons for the failure of the fiber laser power supply is the internal condensation of the laser. The internal condensation of the fiber laser is very related to the daily bad habits of the customer operation using the fiber laser. In order to reduce the failure rate of the fiber laser and reduce the loss caused by the shutdown of the fiber… Read More »Precautions for switching sequence of 1kw fiber laser cutting machine

handheld laser cleaning machine 3000 watts Cutting advantages

1, handheld laser cleaning machine 3000 watts high cutting accuracy: laser cutting machine positioning accuracy 0.05mm, repeated positioning accuracy 0.03mm. 2, handheld laser cleaning machine 3000 watts laser cutting machine slit narrow: laser beam focused into a very small spot, so that the focus of the high power density, the material quickly heated to the degree of gasification, switching optical fiber laser cutting machine company, evaporation formed holes. With the relative linear movement of the beam and the material, the… Read More »handheld laser cleaning machine 3000 watts Cutting advantages

Laser cutting machine manufacturer quotation is based on what

Now many customers buy laser cutting machine will shop around, consult different manufacturers to ask the same power equipment, get different equipment prices. So what is the quotation of laser cutting machine manufacturer based on? The following high-energy laser to introduce to you Laser cutting machine manufacturer. At present, the quotation of laser cutting machine manufacturers is generally based on brand added value and equipment configuration, many customers will not understand what brand added value is Laser cutting machine manufacturer… Read More »Laser cutting machine manufacturer quotation is based on what

The cleaning method of handheld laser cleaning machine 2000 watts

Handheld laser cleaning machine 2000 watts is a "green" cleaning method, without the use of any chemical agents and cleaning liquid, cleaning down the waste is basically solid powder, small volume, easy to store, recyclable, can easily solve the environmental pollution caused by chemical cleaning. The following describes the cleaning method of laser cleaning machine 2000 watts. The cleaning method of laser cleaning machine There are four main laser cleaning methods: Method one: laser dry cleaning method 1. The laser… Read More »The cleaning method of handheld laser cleaning machine 2000 watts

The whole steel welding structure and main configuration of Durmapress bending machine

The hydraulic system adopts integrated control system to reduce pipeline installation, and adopts imported sealing ring to improve the stability of the machine, with beautiful and simple appearance. Durmapress bending machine Main configuration (optional) : 1, the main cylinder of the machine tool piston adopts aerospace technology - surface nickel phosphorus treatment, its hardness can reach HRC60 or more, and the piston relative movement of the guide sleeve has its own lubrication zinc base wear-resisting alloy, can make the cylinder… Read More »The whole steel welding structure and main configuration of Durmapress bending machine

Classification and technical characteristics of continuous fiber laser welding machine

There are more and more kinds of continuous all-fiber laser welding machine, which can be divided into automatic laser welding machine, laser spot welding machine, stainless steel laser welding machine, aluminum laser welding machine, advertising laser welding machine and so on. Because the working mode is different. The laser welding machine uses the characteristics of high energy and high density laser beam to heat the interior of the local smile area of the material, and uses heat conduction to diffuse… Read More »Classification and technical characteristics of continuous fiber laser welding machine

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