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Do you know all the safe operation procedures of fiber laser cutting machine cnc?

  High precision fiber laser cutting machine cnc to conduct safety technology training, after the examination can be operated; Be sure to read the manual, master the essentials of machine operation, safe operation rules must be observed. 1. The operator should check whether the oil standard and oil amount meet the standard according to the manual, fill the oil level, and ensure that the guide rail is smooth fiber laser cutting machine cnc; 2. After switching on the power supply,… Read More »Do you know all the safe operation procedures of fiber laser cutting machine cnc?

Advantages of 200w fiber laser over CNC punch

Advantages of 200w fiber laser over CNC punch 200w fiber laser is a new type of metal sheet processing equipment on the market. Its processing principle is to produce high energy laser beam through the laser and focus on the metal material surface, so that the plate is irradiated part of the instant melting has played a cutting effect. CNC punch is a kind of automatic machine tool controlled by computer program. Compared with traditional cutting equipment, CNC punch has… Read More »Advantages of 200w fiber laser over CNC punch

Fiber laser cutting machine cnc how to adjust the laser?

1, first ensure that the beam from the laser tube into the center of the 1# mirror Fiber laser cutting machine cnc . 2.Attach double-sided tape in front of the 2# mirror, move the beam to the position closest to the laser tube, and make a mark according to the point shooting (control the appropriate light intensity) fiber laser cutting machine cnc . 3.Gradually move the beam to the farthest position from the laser tube, shoot according to the point,… Read More »Fiber laser cutting machine cnc how to adjust the laser?

CNC turret punch (NCT) is composed of computer control system, mechanical or hydraulic power system

CNC turret punch (NCT) is composed of computer control system, mechanical or hydraulic power system, servo feeding mechanism, mold library, mold selection system, peripheral programming system, etc. CNC turret punch (NCT) is a processing program compiled by programming software (or manual), the servo feeding mechanism will send the sheet material to the position to be processed, 10 tons of punch, at the same time by the mold selection system to select the corresponding mold library, hydraulic power system according to… Read More »CNC turret punch (NCT) is composed of computer control system, mechanical or hydraulic power system

This section describes the operations of the fiber laser machinery

Each fiber laser machinery will have the corresponding operation steps, corresponding to different brands, although some are roughly the same, but in the relevant detailed issues are different, Shenzhen Qunying laser cutting operation knowledge is as follows: First, according to the material and thickness, call the corresponding parameters fiber laser machinery Two, check the cutting parameters, select the corresponding lens and laser, and check whether it is intact Three, the cutting head to the appropriate focus Four, check and adjust… Read More »This section describes the operations of the fiber laser machinery

The use of thin sheet fiber laser cutting machine in machining industry

The use of thin sheet fiber laser cutting machine in machining industry Thin plate fiber laser cutting machine in the field of processing the use of more and more common, because of its simple operation, cost drops, good flexibility, high efficiency so in the field of metal processing, fiber laser cutting machine is very important technology, to our production has brought great convenience, provide great power. In the field of large-format machine tools, thin plate cutting and THREE-DIMENSIONAL cutting applications,… Read More »The use of thin sheet fiber laser cutting machine in machining industry

Switching platform fiber laser cutting machine adopts international advanced fiber laser

Switching platform fiber laser cutting machine adopts international advanced fiber laser, fixed optical path design, optical path maintenance free, low operation cost, can be used in industrial environment; Long service life, high machining accuracy, fast speed; High energy conversion efficiency, can realize intelligent, automatic, flexible operation. Switching platform fiber laser cutting machine Product features: Fiber laser cutting machine double material platform automatic exchange, high cost efficiency. 2. High precision grinding guide rail, gear, rack, accuracy grade up to ±0.02mm. 3.… Read More »Switching platform fiber laser cutting machine adopts international advanced fiber laser

1000w fiber laser cutting machine Photoelectric couplers have three characteristics

1000w fiber laser cutting machine Photoelectric couplers have three characteristics: signal transmission takes the form of electric-optic-electric, the luminous part and the light part do not contact, can avoid the output end to the input end may produce feedback and interference; 2. Strong ability to suppress noise interference; 3, has the advantages of durability, high reliability and fast speed, the response time is generally within the number of high-speed optoelectronic couplers, some of the response time is even less than… Read More »1000w fiber laser cutting machine Photoelectric couplers have three characteristics

What is high reflection for 1.5kw fiber laser cutting machine?

1.5kw fiber laser cutting machine uses high power density laser beam to illuminate the material, so that the material is quickly heated to melt or vaporize the state, as the beam of light on the material movement, the formation of a very narrow width of the cut or weld. Laser processing has high efficiency, high energy density and softness, no matter from the accuracy, speed or efficiency, is the best choice for all walks of life. In the process of… Read More »What is high reflection for 1.5kw fiber laser cutting machine?

The cutting precision of the cnc fiber laser cutting machine can be determined by measuring the interval between the diagonal line and the intersection point

The cutting precision of the cnc fiber laser cutting machine can be determined by measuring the interval between the diagonal line and the intersection point. 1) Detailed steps for adjusting pulse equivalent (walking accuracy) 1. Select the "Manual" function. 2. Select the "Inching" function from the manual function, press "3", and enter the inching increment (example: 1000mm). 3. Make an obvious mark on the rail corresponding to a point on the big car. And let the cart on the marked… Read More »The cutting precision of the cnc fiber laser cutting machine can be determined by measuring the interval between the diagonal line and the intersection point

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