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laser cutting machine

Laser cutting machine CNC processing plastic has the following advantages

Laser cutting machine CNC processing plastic has the following advantages: One, laser cutting machine plastic nozzle quality is good, belongs to the non-contact cutting, cutting edge is affected by heat is very small, basically no workpiece thermal deformation, laser cutting machine a price, completely avoid the collapse of the edge formed when the die blanking, laser cutting seam is smooth, Maanshan laser cutting machine, generally do not need secondary processing. Two, laser cutting machine processing plastic materials can improve the… Read More »Laser cutting machine CNC processing plastic has the following advantages

Laser cutting machine procurement channels are generally direct procurement from the manufacturer

Laser cutting machine procurement channels are generally direct procurement from the manufacturer, the more common method is through the official website or directly to call the manufacturer. Laser cutting machine procurement to contact manufacturers. If you have a laser cutting machine manufacturer locally, you can contact the factory directly. Establish legal and compliant cooperation, or through a variety of dealer channels, to buy qualified laser cutting machine from its, generally well-known enterprises such as large group, have offices in the… Read More »Laser cutting machine procurement channels are generally direct procurement from the manufacturer

Laser cutting machine is a kind of high energy, density controllability good non - contact processing.

The laser beam is focused to form a very small point with extremely strong energy, which has many characteristics when applied to cutting. First, the laser's light energy is converted into an amazing amount of heat and kept in a tiny area,Can provide Laser cutting machine  (1) narrow straight edge slit; (2) the smallest heat-affected zone adjacent to the cut edge; (3) minimal local deformation. Second, the laser beam exerts no force on the workpiece, It's a contactless cutting tool,… Read More »Laser cutting machine is a kind of high energy, density controllability good non - contact processing.

Teach you how to adjust the precision of 1500W laser cutting machine

1. When the spot of the focusing laser is adjusted to a small size, the spot shooting is carried out to establish the initial effect, and the focal length position is determined by the size of the spot effect. As long as we look for a small spot of laser light, this location is the best processing focal length, and then the processing begins. 2. In the front of the laser cutting machine debugging, we can use some debugging paper and… Read More »Teach you how to adjust the precision of 1500W laser cutting machine

Do you know how the flexible production of 1000W laser cutting machine is accomplished?

Let's start from the superficial sense, flexible means to be flexible in the production process, flexible production means to be able to complete different production tasks in the production, make rapid adjustment to market demand, and realize the diversified use of resources. 1000W laser cutting machine is an important equipment of flexible production, the flexibility of laser cutting machine processing refers to the variable processing combination: Laser beam using direct and guided two methods, laser can rotate, tilt, up and… Read More »Do you know how the flexible production of 1000W laser cutting machine is accomplished?

The advantages and disadvantages of laser cutting machine are introduced

Main advantages: can cut other laser cutting machine can cut the aluminum plate, copper plate as well as most nonferrous metal materials, machine purchase cheap, use of low cost, simple maintenance, most of the key technology has been mastered by domestic companies, accessories price and maintenance cost is low, and the machine operation and maintenance simple, requirements for workers personnel quality is not high. Main disadvantages: can only cut the material below 12mm, and the cutting efficiency is quite low.… Read More »The advantages and disadvantages of laser cutting machine are introduced

How does metal laser cutting machine cut double-sided coated sheet?

The plate can not be cut through or cut after a large burr, but if the film below the plate is all torn off, there will be scratches below the plate. The specific method of using metal laser cutting machine is: 1. Draw an auxiliary cutting diagram that matches the actual cutting diagram. The specific method is to mirror the actual cutting diagram, then the auxiliary cutting diagram can be obtained directly. 2. Calculate the location and maximum offset of… Read More »How does metal laser cutting machine cut double-sided coated sheet?

1000W Laser cutting machine for cutting materials?

(a) 1000W Laser cutting machine carbon steel plate cutting: Modern laser cutting system can cut the thickness of carbon steel plate close to 20mm, the thin plate of its slit can be narrow to about 0.1mm. Laser cutting of low carbon steel, the heat affected area is very small, and cut to meet the level, smooth, good verticality. For high carbon steel, laser cutting edge quality is better than low carbon steel, but its heat affected zone is larger. (two)… Read More »1000W Laser cutting machine for cutting materials?

CNC laser cutting machine need to break through what technology?

Numerical control laser cutting is an ideal cutting means to improve the performance and industrialization of laser cutting machine, so as to meet the growing market demand. CNC laser cutting machine is very suitable for today's development needs, at the same time with high cost performance, after-sales auxiliary response and other characteristics, worthy of attention. Laser cutting machine mechanical structure design: mainly reflected in the beam and machine tool structure design. The beam should be light and flexible in design,… Read More »CNC laser cutting machine need to break through what technology?

Application scope of fiber laser cutting machine

Fabric laser is a kind of solid state laser with the best beam quality. The optical fiber's beam diameter is smaller than carbon dioxide, allowing for finer details. Fiber laser cutting machines are 100 times more powerful than gas laser machines. Fiber laser cutting machine has a wide range of applications, so it has many applications, 5 such uses are listed below: 1. Medical devices: Without fiber laser cutting machine, medical field can not imagine its present and future. Laser… Read More »Application scope of fiber laser cutting machine

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