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laser cutting machine

Carbon dioxide laser cutting machine ——Application field

High speed 1mm stainless steel cutting speed 20m/min Carbon dioxide laser cutting machine. · High performance fiber transmission, flexible machining, can achieve any shape of high quality cutting, and suitable for cutting copper, aluminum and other high anti-materials. · High efficiency cutting speed, low operating cost, double return on your investment. · Low gas consumption laser produces no gas; Unique air cutting 3mm stainless steel technology, no N2 consumption. · Low energy consumption, energy saving and environmental protection, extremely low… Read More »Carbon dioxide laser cutting machine ——Application field

2000W Laser cutting function to cut galvanized steel plate?

2000W Laser cutting is the use of focused high power density laser beam irradiation of the workpiece, so that the irradiated material quickly melting, vaporization, ablation or reach the ignition point, at the same time with the coaxial high-speed airflow and light beam blowing molten material, so as to achieve the workpiece cut. Galvanized plate is a kind of material commonly used in the manufacturing industry, galvanized steel plate coated with metal zinc, to prevent the corrosion of the surface… Read More »2000W Laser cutting function to cut galvanized steel plate?

1500 laser cutting machine is a new and high-tech technology developed in recent decades.

1500 laser cutting machine is a new and high-tech technology developed in recent decades. Compared with the traditional cutting process, it has the characteristics of higher cutting accuracy, lower roughness, higher material utilization rate and production efficiency, especially in the field of fine cutting, laser cutting has incomparable advantages over traditional cutting. Laser cutting is the process of focusing energy into tiny Spaces, using high density energy for non-contact, high-speed, high-precision cutting methods. In the manufacturing process of home appliances,… Read More »1500 laser cutting machine is a new and high-tech technology developed in recent decades.

Practical advantages of 1500W laser cutting machine in electrical industry

 1500W Laser cutting  machine is a new and high-tech technology developed in recent decades. Compared with the traditional cutting process, it has the characteristics of higher cutting accuracy, lower roughness, higher material utilization rate and production efficiency, especially in the field of fine cutting, laser cutting has incomparable advantages over traditional cutting. Laser cutting is the process of focusing energy into tiny Spaces, using high density energy for non-contact, high-speed, high-precision cutting methods. In the manufacturing process of home appliances,… Read More »Practical advantages of 1500W laser cutting machine in electrical industry

Working principle of water circulation cooling system of 1kw fiber laser cutting machine

Refrigerant circulation cooling system working principle: refrigerant liquid through the capillary throttling step-down, into the evaporator; Vaporize in the evaporator, absorb the heat of cooling water in the external circulation cooling system, and become the refrigerant steam of high temperature mortgage is inhaled into the compressor 1kw fiber laser cutting machine; The steam compressed into high temperature and high pressure in the compressor is discharged into the condenser. In the condenser, the refrigerant releases heat into the cooling medium -… Read More »Working principle of water circulation cooling system of 1kw fiber laser cutting machine

How to develop metal Metal laser cutting machine equipment, read can understand!

Metal laser cutting machine equipment as a typical product of laser equipment manufacturing industry, the demand for laser equipment have each has very important meaning to manufacturing, metal sheet metal processing study especially excellent technology in our country has increased quickly in recent years, many excellent technology is applied in the metal laser cutting machine equipment, Lead to China's laser cutting equipment to strengthen the internal function, more promote the stability of the internal performance, improve the mechanical automation of… Read More »How to develop metal Metal laser cutting machine equipment, read can understand!

What are the factors that affect the cutting accuracy of CNC laser cutting machine?

Cutting precision is to judge the quality of CNC laser cutting machine elements, so what are the factors that affect the cutting precision of CNC laser cutting machine? 1, laser generator laser condensation size. After gathering if the light spot is very small, the cutting accuracy is very high, if the gap after cutting is very small. The precision of laser cutting machine is very high, the quality is very high. But the laser beam is tapered, so the cut… Read More »What are the factors that affect the cutting accuracy of CNC laser cutting machine?

What is the reason for the rapid rise of water temperature of cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting?

In the development of modern industry, laser cutting machine as a high-tech product and its advanced technology is widely used in various industries, has become the Gospel of all industries. But the use of cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting will encounter some problems, may be caused by a variety of reasons, such as laser cutting machine cutting carbon steel water temperature rise too fast, etc., these do not need to panic, according to the situation of the scene to know.… Read More »What is the reason for the rapid rise of water temperature of cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting?

Matters needing attention in daily maintenance process: laser cutting machine laser

1, laser cutting machine laser tube installation fulcrum to be reasonable 2. Air suction device should be checked and cleaned regularly 3. Power of power grid should match with the equipment itself; 4, the working current of the laser tube should be reasonable, so that it can not work under the full power for a long time 5, should remove the machine body, cutting head, sensor and other parts of the dirt and dust, keep the appearance of the machine… Read More »Matters needing attention in daily maintenance process: laser cutting machine laser

3000W Laser cutting machine as for all processing requirements have a very high standard of equipment

3000W Laser cutting machine as for all processing requirements have a very high standard of equipment, once the improper operation will seriously affect the processing quality of equipment, so we want to make the equipment can operate normally, then we must ensure that their operation process, method is correct. Therefore, the following xiaobian will tell you how the operation process of the equipment is carried out. 1, in strict accordance with the provisions, follow the laser cutting machine equipment startup,… Read More »3000W Laser cutting machine as for all processing requirements have a very high standard of equipment

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