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laser cutting machine

The application direction of laser cutting equipment mainly includes the following three categories

The application direction of laser cutting equipment mainly includes the following three categories: One is used for decoration, advertising, lamps, kitchenware, thin sheet metal parts, electrical cabinet, elevator panel, engineering board, high and low switch cabinet processing materials, this kind of material is generally thin, metal laser cutting machine which is good, thickness is 1-5mm stainless steel plate material, with medium power laser cutting machine can be cut laser cutting equipment, This kind of material cutting can be considered to… Read More »The application direction of laser cutting equipment mainly includes the following three categories

What factors affect the servo motor operation of fiber laser cutting machine?

Fiber laser cutting machine has been widely used in the society, in many industries, welcomed by customers, and help customers improve production efficiency, improve product competitiveness. But at the same time we are not very understanding of the function of the machine components, so today we will talk about the operation of the fiber laser cutting machine servo motor by what factors.   1. Fiber laser cutting machine Mechanical factors   Mechanical problems are common, mainly in design, transmission, installation,… Read More »What factors affect the servo motor operation of fiber laser cutting machine?

2000w fiber laser machine for metal cutting protection lens water fog

2000w fiber laser machine for metal cutting  in the cutting process, auxiliary gas is essential! We commonly use oxygen and nitrogen, of course, the higher the purity of gas cutting quality will be better. There are also many customers who want to save cost by using air cutting, but there is always water mist on the protective lens in the cutting process, and the cutting quality is very poor. Why is this? First of all, let's popularize the role of… Read More »2000w fiber laser machine for metal cutting protection lens water fog

3015 fiber laser cutting machine Application scope

3015 fiber laser cutting machine Application scope: Rail transit, shipbuilding, automobile, construction machinery, agricultural and forestry machinery, electrical manufacturing, elevator manufacturing, household appliances, food machinery, textile machinery, tool processing, petroleum machinery, food machinery, kitchen bathroom, decoration advertising, laser external processing services and other machinery manufacturing and processing industries 3015 fiber laser cutting machine  Iii. Electrical Part: 1. Electrical components adopt internationally famous brand products; For example: Schneider, ABB, Siemens, etc. 2. High standard sealing design for electric cabinet procurement to… Read More »3015 fiber laser cutting machine Application scope

Components of laser cutting machine & Metal laser cutting machine advantages

Mainly used for cutting the sheet into the required shape of the workpiece laser processing machine, is also the use of laser beam heat energy to complete the cutting equipment. Components of Metal laser cutting machine: (1) Machine tool host part: laser cutting machine tool part, divided into X, Y, Z axis of the moving machinery part, including cutting operation channel; (2) laser generator: laser light source device; (3) external light path: refraction mirror, used to guide the laser direction… Read More »Components of laser cutting machine & Metal laser cutting machine advantages

1kw fiber laser cutting machine strong adaptability

1kw fiber laser cutting machine has strong adaptability: First of all, fiber optic machine beam quality and cutting quality: 1kw fiber laser cutting machine in the focus spot diameter is small, high power density, cutting thin plate with excellent speed; Again through the optical fiber laser is derived, makes the structure of the mechanical system is not simple, the machine dynamic performance is better, not easy to cry and machine # or multi-dimensional workbench integration, from 3 and have stronger… Read More »1kw fiber laser cutting machine strong adaptability

Cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting does not light how to do

Many people will find that in real life, if you use Cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting, then there will often be no light phenomenon, in fact, once this situation occurs, most people will feel that this is a failure, a day with this failure, what should we do? If in the use of optical fiber laser cutting machine is not the light, so we will check the machine first, see if they have fault, in the process of inspection, should… Read More »Cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting does not light how to do

Lc4020-4000 is a CNC fiber laser cutting machine for medium and high power optical fiber newly developed by MAANSHAN DURMAPRESS MACHINERY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD

 Characteristics of CNC fiber laser cutting machine  MAANSHAN DURMAPRESS MACHINERY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD  fiber metal laser cutting machine mainly refers to the industrial application of Germany IPG advanced fiber laser, has excellent processing ability for all kinds of CNC fiber laser cutting machine . 1, high electro-optical conversion rate  2, excellent pulse power/energy stability 3, the speed is fast, the precision is high, the service life grows 100,000 hours 4, small size, light weight, no maintenance 5, no laser gas, environmental… Read More »Lc4020-4000 is a CNC fiber laser cutting machine for medium and high power optical fiber newly developed by MAANSHAN DURMAPRESS MACHINERY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD

1000W3015 fiber laser cutting machine(1000W3015 fiber laser steel stainless steel laser cutting machine)

Maanshan Durmapress Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd laser cutting machine (1000W3015 fiber laser steel stainless steel laser cutting machine) Light beam quality, stable performance, no reflection lens, flexible transmission, no need to adjust the light path, basic maintenance free, durable, low energy consumption, saving environmental protection, compatible with a variety of software, according to the design of a variety of graphics or text instant cutting, simple, flexible, convenient operation. W1000 Fiber laser Carbon steel stainless steel laser cutting machine provides high speed,… Read More »1000W3015 fiber laser cutting machine(1000W3015 fiber laser steel stainless steel laser cutting machine)

BS3015H-2000W Full Covered Sheet Fiber Laser Cutting Machine with Exchangeable Table

Scope of application: can be used for a variety of metal plate processing, mainly suitable for stainless steel, carbon steel, manganese steel, galvanized steel, alloy plate and rare metals and other materials of high-speed, precision cutting. Hotel kitchen equipment, hardware products, automotive manufacturing, mechanical equipment, precision parts, electrical equipment, elevator equipment, display equipment, lighting hardware, automotive decoration industry, is the leader of CNC laser cutting machine industry. With the plate tube integrated laser cutting machine, 3015 exchange table laser cutting… Read More »BS3015H-2000W Full Covered Sheet Fiber Laser Cutting Machine with Exchangeable Table

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