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Press Brake Robotic Cell

Решение / Press Brake Robotic Cell

Advanced Automation for the Future

DURMAPRESS Robotic Press Brake represents our commitment to pioneering cutting-edge bending solutions. Paired with automatic loading and unloading systems, our robotic press brake delivers two levels of automation—process and operation—ensuring unparalleled efficiency and precision.

Designed for unattended operation, even during nighttime, our solution drastically reduces setup time, ensures accurate bend angles, and produces high-quality finished parts. With all risks related to part handling during bending managed by the robot, operators are free from any concerns, allowing for a safer and more productive workflow.

DURMAPRESS Robotic Press Brake

Precision, efficiency, and durability with Industry 4.0 integration

Unmatched Precision

With advanced control systems and high-quality components, they deliver consistent and accurate bends, ensuring your parts meet the highest standards of quality.

Enhanced Efficiency

Our Robotic Cell leverage Industry 4.0 connectivity, enabling seamless integration with other machines and systems in the production line. With real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance.

Smart Factories

Built for long-lasting performance, they are optimized for smart factory ecosystems, where they can continuously adapt to evolving requirements while maintaining superior durability and reliability.

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