Freio de prensa

DURMAPRESS® press brakes are the perfect solution for sensitive bending applications. Our machines are equipped with advanced hydraulic and CNC technology that ensures optimal precision and accuracy. With features like deflection compensation and electro-hydraulic proportional servo synchronization, our press brakes offer stable precision within ±0.01mm. They are also energy-efficient and come with a range of options. Whatever your bending needs, our CNC press brake, hydraulic press brakes offer the performance and reliability you need to get the job done right.

Leading Press Brake Supplier in China

DURMAPRESS is the leading professional manufacturer of press brakes in China. Our extensive range includes the WC67K NC Press Brake Torsion Bar, WE67K CNC Electric-Hydraulic Press Brake, MB8 CNC Genius Press Brake, as well as the most developed Robotic Press Brake and Tandem Press Brake, among others. Our sheet metal press brakes are designed with precision to cater to all your production needs, while taking into consideration different budgets.

Our brand boasts rich experience in designing various types of travão de prensa tooling for end-user customer jobs. With our expert team, we can design a custom solution for you that fits your needs and requirements. Contact us today for an instant quote, and let us help you take your metal fabrication to the next level.

WC67Y Series NC Press Brake

Torsion Bar NC Press Brake 

WC67K Series NC Press Brake

Torsion Bar CNC Servo Press Brake 

WE67K Series CNC Press Brake

The high advanced CNC solution.

MB8 Series CNC Press Brake

The Electric-Hydra CNC solution.

Tendem Series CNC Press Brake

The Tendem  CNC Press Brake -Two Sets Combined 

Press Brake Video

DURMAPRESS®Different Series Mild Steel Press Brakes with CNC Controller Working Video Testing Before Delivery, Welcome Contact Us!

Upgrade Solutions

If you require additional accessories or services to upgrade your press brakes, please follow the link below to learn more.

Knowledge For Press Brake

What is Press Brake ?

The Press Brakes used to press the plates into various shapes of parts and Different Bending Angle according to the needs of the process.The main frame consists of left and right columns, working table and crossbeam, left and right two synchronized hydraulic cylinders are fixed on the columns, the slider is connected to the piston of the hydraulic cylinders and moves up and down along the guide rail fixed on the columns, the lower die is fixed on the working table, the upper die is installed at the lower end of the slider, the hydraulic system provides power, the electrical system gives instructions, under the action of the synchronized hydraulic cylinders, the upper beam drives the Upper Punch down and the lower die closes to achieve the different bending angle of the sheet metal.

Left and right column, Working table and slider (hereinafter referred to as the three major parts) is the key parts of the Press Brakes, the sum of the weight of the three major parts accounted for 70% to 80% of the total weight of a Press Brakes . Its strength and rigidity directly determine the machine's operating accuracy, lifespan,Most importangt the accuracy of the workpiece of new products.

Classification of Press Brake

Press Brake are divided into Manual Press Brakes, Hydraulic Press Brake and CNC Press Brake machines.

Hydraulic Press Brakes Machines can be divided Into Tosion Bar Hydraulic Press Brake And Hydraulic-Synchronisation CNC Press Brake according to By synchronisation method. Hydraulic Press Brakes can be divided into: the upper moving type, the lower moving type according to the movement 。

How to Choose Press Brake ?





There is some Basic characteristics to calculate the bending high tonnage , then detemine the press brakes model .Before You buy the Hydraulic Press Brakes , you need some Sheet Metal details need to you at least .

  1. Material (por exemplo, aço macio, aço inoxidável, alumínio e ect)
  2. Espessura (por exemplo, 4 mm, 6 mm e mais)
  3. Comprimento de trabalho (por exemplo, 12 pés, 3100 mm ou 100 polegadas e ect)
  4. A resistência à tração do material (por exemplo, 450Mpa, 350Mpa e ect)

After these characteristics have been determined, We can calculate the high tonnage required for the bending operation.

Otherwise , We also want to know if you need NC Press Brake or CNC Press Brake Machine .About the Difference , Check Below !

What are the other Selection Criteria for Choosing a Press Brake?

There is some Important characteristics when you are Choosing  a Press Brakes

  1. Controller ( NC or CNC Press Brakes need the different Controller , Delem ,ESA , CybTouch Controller and NC Control made in China , all is optional , depends on customer burget and product requirement )
  2. Back gauge ( 2 axis , 3+1 axis , 4+1 axis , 5+1 axis ,6+1 axis ,8+1 axis and ect )
  3. Bending Angle Control( Manual Adjust by NC Press Brakes, Auto Adjustable by CNC Press Brakes)
  4. Toolings ( Every Set Machine will have Upper Punch *1 set , Down Die *1 set , also Engineer can customized Toolings according to customer special Products . Toolings catelog also ready , welcome to contact )
  5. Operator Safety Protection ( DSP Laser Protection & SDKELI Laser  Protection system for CE Standard , SDKELI Light Protection for economic solutions )
  6. Energy Consumption (Hydraulic Press Brakes , Electrical Press Brakes , The Hybrid Press Brakes with Servo Motor control)

What the Difference between NC And CNC Press Brake ?

  1. Há uma grande diferença entre os freios de prensa hidráulicos da barra de torção NC (freios de prensa manuais desatualizados) e a máquina de freio de prensa servo CNC eletro-hidráulica, o primeiro é o uso do eixo de torção conectado ao pêndulo esquerdo e direito, etc., a formação do mecanismo de sincronização forçada do eixo de torção em dois cilindros hidráulicos sincronizados para cima e para baixo para manter a sincronização; e o último é o uso de servo-válvula eletro-hidráulica proporcional e outros sistemas de controle hidráulico e escala para formar um controle de malha fechada. Ou seja, o freio de prensa NC de barra de torção no método de sincronização mecânica e a sincronização eletro-hidráulica é um método de sincronização de válvula servo-proporcional.
  2. O corpo da prensa CNC de barra de torção é maquinado com uma precisão relativamente baixa, pelo que é completamente incapaz de satisfazer os requisitos de precisão da válvula servo-proporcional electro-hidráulica.
  3. Se você quiser converter o freio de imprensa NC da barra de torção em uma máquina de freio de imprensa CNC deve adicionar servo-válvula proporcional, escala, controlador CNC eletro-hidráulico e possivelmente adicionar sistema de backguage de precisão; ao mesmo tempo, também remova o eixo de equilíbrio da máquina de dobragem de eixo torcido, válvula hidráulica, sistema hidráulico e outros componentes, não apenas uma carga de trabalho muito grande, mas também terá um grande custo operacional. Portanto, se quiser conhecer o seu futuro desenvolvimento de negócios, escolher os melhores freios de imprensa será mais brilhante.

How many Press Brake Controllers are there ?

  1. NC Press Brake 
  • ESTUN-E21 ,Made in China ,Digital display for back gauge X axis Programming(most common type)
  • ESTUN-E300P, Made in China ,Digital Display for X axis Programing , R axis for Optional , Servo Motor Control , Fast Speed than E21 Control
  • Delem-DA41T , Original from Holand , Touch Screen and Angle , X axis programming , Servo Motor Control , Fast Speed  and higher precision.

TP10 , TP15, E22 NC Controller can be optional , Made in China which is not popular 

  1. CNC Press Brake 

There are three Major Controller in world market as below :

  • DELEM - DA53T , DA58T ,DA66T , DA69T (most common type)
  • CYBTOUCH- CT8 ,CT12, CT19
  • ESA - ESA S630 , ESA S640 ,ESA S860 and Ect.

With the best press brake controller, you can produce more accurate sheet metal products and consistent parts, manage bend speeds, angle measurement and control as many other aspects of press brake production with total ease in near future

How to Use Press Brake ?

  1. Ligar a alimentação, ligar o interrutor de chave no painel de controlo e, em seguida, premir a bomba de óleo para arrancar.
  2. Ajuste do curso, os freios de prensa devem prestar atenção para ajustar o curso, antes de dobrar a chapa metálica deve ser testado. A máquina de prensagem de travões no ponto de descida da matriz para o fundo deve garantir que existe uma folga na espessura da chapa. Caso contrário, o molde do travão de pressão será danificado. O ajuste do curso é também um ajuste rápido elétrico e um ajuste fino manual.
  3. Seleção do tamanho V das ferramentas de dobragem (matriz), geralmente para escolher a espessura da placa de 8 vezes o tamanho V da ranhura. Por exemplo, para dobrar uma chapa de 4 mm, é necessário escolher uma matriz em V de cerca de 32 mm.
  4. O ajuste do medidor traseiro é geralmente o ajuste do controlo CNC e o ajuste manual. O medidor traseiro frontal e o eixo X chamado traseiro podem ser controlados pelos controladores NC e CNC.
  5. Pressione o interrutor de pé para começar a dobrar, o freio de imprensa e a máquina de corte são diferentes, podem ser liberados a qualquer momento, solte o freio de imprensa do pé irá parar e, em seguida, avance para continuar na linha.

What Is Press Brake Crowning system and difference between them ?

The hydraulic automatic deflection Crowning mechanism of the workbench is composed of a group of oil cylinders installed in the workbench. The position and size of each Crowning oil cylinder are designed according to the deflection ram of the ram and the workbench finite element analysis. The hydraulic Crowning realizes the bulge Crowning of the neutral version through the relative displacement between the front, middle and back three verticalplates. The principle is that the bulge is realized through the elastic deformation of the steel plate itself, so the Crowning amount can be adjusted within the elastic range of the workbench.

What is Hydraulic Crowning ?

Press Brakes have two hydraulic cylinders at two sides of the press brake frame ,The three-auxiliary hydraulic cylinder in the middle of the machine is called Hydraulic Crowning .When the upper beam is down, the auxiliary cylinder is filled with liquid oil and goes down ward.During the bending process, hydraulic oil inlet into the auxiliary cylinder, so that the upper beam generate downward deflection for compensation.Install the auxiliary hydraulic cylinder in the lower part of the worktable.

During the bending process, it generates an upward force on the worktable, which forms the automatic crowning system.

The pressure compensation device is composed of several small oil cylinders,comprising an oil cylinder, a motherboard, an auxiliary plate and a pin shaft, and a  compensating cylinder is placed on the worktable.The pressure compensation system is formed with a proportional relief valve.

What is Mechanical Crownings ?

Mechanical crowning is a kind of new deflection compensation method, whichgenerally uses a triangular oblique wedge structure.The principle is that the two-triangle wedge block with a angles, the upper wedgemoving is fixed at back gauge X-direction and can only move in Y-direction.

The CNC Controller calculates the required deflection amount according to the load force when the workpiece is bent (this force will cause deflection deformation of the ram and the workbench vertical plate), and automatically controls the relative movement amount of the convex wedge, thus effectively compensating the deflection deformation caused bythe ram and the workbench vertical plate .A set of wedges form a curve consistent with the actual deflection in the length direction of the workbench, so that the gap between the upper and lower dies is consistent during bending.

Hydraulic Crowning 
Mechanical Crowning

How to Choose Press Brake Toolings ?

A conceção das ferramentas de prensagem depende da peça de trabalho do cliente, podendo ser dividida em seleção de punções e seleção de matrizes. As regras são as seguintes:

Seleção de perfuração :

  • Quando a perna pequena de cima é mais comprida do que a perna de baixo, é necessário um punção de pescoço de ganso.
  • Quando a perna pequena de cima é mais curta do que a perna de baixo, qualquer forma de punção serve.
  • Quando a perna pequena de cima é igual à perna de baixo, é necessário um punção agudo deslocado.

Seleção de ferramentas:

O cliente pode utilizar a regra normal 8×2 para guardar o burget.

  • Em primeiro lugar, determine a gama de espessuras de chapa metálica que pretende dobrar. Por exemplo, pode ser necessário dobrar material de 2 mm a V=16 mm Matriz
  • Em segundo lugar, avalie o conjunto de matrizes mais pequeno necessário multiplicando o metal mais fino por 8. Neste caso, o material de 3 mm necessitaria da matriz mais pequena, portanto: 3 × 8 = 24mm, o que O tamanho do Die Set V arredonda para 24mm.
  • Em terceiro lugar, avaliar o maior tamanho do conjunto de matrizes V necessário, multiplicando o metal mais espesso por 8. Neste caso, o material mais espesso de 6 mm necessitaria da maior matriz: 6× 8 = 48 mm.

Já determinou o molde mais pequeno e o maior de que necessita - 2 mm e 6 mm. Para preencher o que precisa no meio, começa com o tamanho V mais pequeno e duplica o seu tamanho. Neste caso, isso dá-lhe um molde de 16 mm (2 × 8 = 4). Molde Multi-V de 32mm , 48mm .

Se a sua peça não necessita de uma flange curta, de um desvio estreito ou de um raio apertado, porquê complicar as coisas? Siga estas três regras simples e melhorará o desempenho angular, encurtará o tempo de preparação e reduzirá os custos operacionais da ferramenta.

Também o engenheiro da Durmapress pode desenhar as ferramentas especiais de acordo com o pedido do produto do cliente, por isso basta contactar-nos e enviar os desenhos dos seus produtos.

What is The Laser Protection of Press Brake ?

What is Press Brake Safety 

It can divided to Laser Safety and Light Safety .

-The Press Brake Laser Sentry system is a Bending-edge safety device, a Presence Sensing Device (PSD) featuring laser guides that ensure the safety of a press brake operator while employing the precision of lasers directly surrounding the die. If a foreign object is detected, the laser technology will immediately retract the die and stop the Press Brake Machine.

-The Press Brake Light Safety consists of a transmitter, a receiver, a mounting bracket and a controller .There is no impact on the production of the Press Brake machine and if a worker's finger enters the protected area, it will block the beam and the Press Brake machine will then stop immediately, effectively preventing finger crushing accidents.

Press Brake Laser Safety Protection System Classification :

  • Proteção laser DSP 
  • MSP Laser Protection 
  • SDKELI Laser Protection
  • SDKELI Light Protection

Press Brake Application

Press Brake Machine can widely used in steel sheet metal processing industry . Mostly we can used in the following industry as below :

Decorating Industry

CNC Press Brakes can be used for the production of stainless steel sheets, doors and windows, as well as for the decoration of special places.

Electrical Industry

The Steel plates can be cutted into different required sizes by shearing machines and then re-processed by Hydraulic Press Brake Machine, such as computer cases, electrical cabinets, refrigerator and air conditioning housings, etc which are all made in this way.

Kitchen Restaurants Industry

Various varieties and specifications of Stainless Steel kitchenware are bending to different angles and shapes by the Hydraulic CNC Press Brake , then in secondary processing, such as welding and etc.

Wind Communication Industry

Press Brake can bend the wind power poles, light poles on the road, communication tower poles, traffic light poles, traffic signal poles, monitoring poles, etc. It usually need the heavy duty Press Brake , 6meters and 8meters Tandem Press Brake to finished such products .

Automotive & Marine Industry

Large CNC hydraulic press brake are used to bending body of boat, It also need combined the heavy duty hydraulic guillotine shearing machine .Bending Upper Punch and Down die should be customized according to Boat body drawings .

Aerospace Industry

Arospace industry should use high precision CNC Press Brake machine, accurate and efficient. Because The final products is the main parts which must be in the tolerence accepted ranged .

Conclusion :

From non-ferrous metals, ferrous metal plates, automotive ships, electrical power, decoration, kitchen plates, chassis cabinets, lift cabinet door shear, bending processing; large to the aerospace field, CNC Press Brake Machine's role importance are increasingly . In short, the development of CNC Press Brake is very promising,The development prospects of CNC Press Brake will have a very broad space .

Ajudamo-lo a selecionar a máquina certa com base no seu orçamento e nas suas necessidades

O comércio grossista de equipamento de chapa metálica pode ser fácil e seguro.

Não sabe que máquina escolher? Contacte os nossos especialistas de vendas para recomendar a máquina mais adequada para o seu produto de chapa metálica.