Correlation Analysis of Light Radiation and Five Parameters in Numerical Control Plasma Cutting Machines

In the CNC plasma cutting process, the strong light radiation from the plasma arc poses significant hazards. Typically, these risks are mitigated by using protective eyewear or operating in fully enclosed workshops, especially for high-power plasma cutting equipment. This paper focuses on the correlation between the five core parameters of CNC plasma cutting machines and the formation of light radiation hazards.

The five critical parameters include

  1. Arc Height: The height of the plasma arc significantly affects cutting quality, as it determines the perpendicularity of the cut surface. Improper arc height selection can result in non-vertical cuts or severe deviations, with thicker plates requiring shorter arc heights compared to thinner ones.

  2. Arc Pressure: Adjusting the arc pressure regulates the output plasma energy. Higher arc pressures correspond to increased plasma energy output.

  3. Delay: Primarily used for piercing, delay refers to the time required for the machine to move after piercing to ensure proper cutting. Thicker plates typically require longer delay times compared to thinner plates.

Each of these parameters plays a crucial role in controlling the cutting

Control Plasma Cutting Machine

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A Durmapress é especializada na conceção, fabrico e venda de vários equipamentos de processamento de metal, incluindo máquinas de dobragem, tesouras, punções, máquinas de corte a laser, etc. A empresa foi fundada em 2000. Com anos de experiência e acumulação de tecnologia. DurmaPress tornou-se uma das marcas bem conhecidas na indústria de máquinas de processamento de metal da China.

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