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Guia de instalação da proteção do cilindro da prensa dobradeira

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Step 1: Take out

Step 2: Install on the top of the cylinder guard

Step 3: Install using a crane or hoist

Step 4: Install the fixing screws

Right side in the picture

Step 5: Power on the guard

Step 6: Connect the main power of the machine

Confirm that the phase sequence is correct (Figure 2 shows the correct display)

Step 7: Turn on the main power

Test whether the guard light is normal

*Note: Do not connect any extra external lines to the machine!


You will need various sizes of wrenches, screwdrivers, safety gloves, goggles, a measuring tape, and a level. Additionally, you will need the cylinder guard kit, mounting brackets, bolts, nuts, and washers.

Ensure the press brake is turned off and disconnected from the power source. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety gloves and goggles. Also, make sure the work area is clean and free of any obstructions.

Locate the cylinder area on the press brake that needs guarding and use a measuring tape to mark the positions for the mounting brackets. Ensure these positions are level and evenly spaced. After attaching the brackets, use a level to verify their alignment.

After positioning and securing the mounting brackets, place the cylinder guard onto the brackets. Align the holes on the guard with the brackets and insert bolts through the holes. Secure the bolts with nuts and washers, and tighten them firmly using wrenches.

After installation, reconnect the press brake to the power source and perform a test run. Observe the guard during the test run to ensure it remains securely in place and does not impede the machine's operation. Make any necessary adjustments to the guard's positioning if needed.

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