Seven Simple Steps to Operate a CNC Punch

Step-by-Step Guide to Operating a CNC Punch

Operating a CNC punch involves a series of carefully executed steps to ensure safety and efficiency. First, before installing the mold, it is crucial to thoroughly inspect it. The mold should only be installed within the punch's travel stroke's allowable range, ensuring usage within the specified safety parameters. During equipment startup, begin by opening the compressed air valve (or oil pump) and then activate the friction wheel motor. When using friction pressure in forging with a CNC punch, blacksmiths must be adequately trained.

Safety Checks and Machine Operation

Pay close attention to the oil pump's pressure and air compression during normal operation to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Before running the machine, perform a strict check of the vertical head positioning device, ensure the mold is securely fastened, and verify the buffer's condition. It is not permissible to adjust the press or install the mold while the flywheel is in rotation. This precaution helps prevent accidents and equipment damage.

Finishing Up and Control Punch Positioning

Once the work is finished, shut down the punch in the correct order, allowing it to fall smoothly. The position of the control punch largely depends on the size and shape of the holes in your processed products. Turret molds can be classified based on the mold's aperture size, making mold selection easier. These classifications include A (1/2" station), B (1 1/2" station), C (2" work position), D (3 1/2" station), and E (4 1/2" station), each with specific processing ranges. CNC punch dies can be configured according to product requirements, with stations available in 6, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, and 32 configurations.


Sobre nós

A Durmapress é especializada na conceção, fabrico e venda de vários equipamentos de processamento de metal, incluindo máquinas de dobragem, tesouras, punções, máquinas de corte a laser, etc. A empresa foi fundada em 2000. Com anos de experiência e acumulação de tecnologia. DurmaPress tornou-se uma das marcas bem conhecidas na indústria de máquinas de processamento de metal da China.


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