How to choose and use the cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting nozzle

One, cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting thin plate (below 3mm), the choice of φ 1mm diameter nozzle will be relatively fine, and the choice of φ 1.5mm diameter nozzle will be relatively thick,

and the corner of the place will be easier to contain stains.

Two, cnc 12kw fiber laser cutting thick plate (more than 3mm), the choice of φ 1mm aperture nozzle use is not very stable.

Because at this time the cutting power is higher, the relative cooling time is longer, the relative cutting time also increases,

with the diameter of 1mm nozzle gas diffusion area is small, so it is not very stable, but basically can still be used.

And choose φ 1.5mm aperture nozzle gas diffusion area is large, gas flow rate is slow, so the cutting is more stable.

Three, cutting more than 10mm plate, the general choice of 2mm diameter or more than 2mm aperture nozzle.

However, the larger the aperture of the nozzle, the smaller the protection effect of the focusing lens.

So a reasonable choice of laser cutting machine nozzle aperture size, in order to more effective production.

Laser cutting machine in the use of the nozzle can make the gas ejection, prevent melting stains rebound up,

o protect the purpose of focal length mirror. Therefore, the choice of nozzle is very important,

nozzle aperture size will be different according to the thickness of the cutting material.

So we must choose carefully before using.