Princípio de funcionamento da CL1000 - máquina de limpeza a laser

CL1000- laser cleaning machine working principle, laser cleaning machine equipment is a new type of rust, oil and dirt removal laser equipment, this equipment is also a zero contact type cleaning method,

The laser cleaning process depends on the characteristics of the optical pulse generated by the fiber laser, and is based on the optical physical reaction formed by the interaction between the high intensity beam, the short pulse laser and the pollution layer.

Traditional industrial cleaning methods mainly include high-pressure water, chemical reagents, ultrasonic and mechanical grinding, but these cleaning methods have problems such as damage to the substrate, poor working environment, pollution, incomplete cleaning of some locations and high cleaning cost.

With the aggravation of environmental pollution, scholars all over the world are actively developing new cleaning technologies of energy saving, environmental protection and high efficiency.

Because laser cleaning technology has many advantages, such as low damage, high cleaning accuracy, zero emission and no pollution, etc., it is gradually being paid attention and favored by the academic and industrial circles.

Principle of laser cleaning machine:

1) The beam emitted by the laser is absorbed by the pollution layer on the surface to be treated;

2) the absorption of large energy forms a rapidly expanding plasma (highly ionized unstable gas), generating shock waves;

3) the shock wave makes the internal pollutants become fragments and removed; let

4) The width of the light pulse must be short enough to avoid heat accumulation that would damage the surface to be treated;

5) When there is an oxide on the metal surface, the plasma is produced on the metal surface.

Advantages of laser cleaning machine:

  1. Environmental advantages
  2. Effect advantage
  3. Control Advantage
  4. Convenience
  5. Cost advantage