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Calculadora de força de flexão

Calculadora de parâmetros de dobragem de chapas metálicas

Used to calculate the parameters and models required for the bending machine. If you have any questions, please contact us.

This tool simplifies the process of determining tonnage, internal radius, V-die opening, and minimum flange for bending sheet metal. By inputting the specific characteristics of the material, such as aluminum, stainless steel, mild steel, or high-strength steels like Weldox® or Strenx®, the tool calculates the necessary bending force.

By providing key details about your sheet metal, such as material type and thickness, this tool can accurately determine the required bending force. Whether you're working with aluminum, stainless steel, mild steel, or high-strength steels like Weldox® or Strenx®, this tool ensures precision in your bending operations.

Cálculo da força de flexão

Quanta força é necessária para dobrar a peça?



High Tech Industrial , Bowang Town, Maanshan, Anhui, China


Telefone : + 86 183 2557 2889

Correio eletrónico : [email protected]

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