The advantages and disadvantages of 3015 fiber laser cutting machine are introduced

We all know that our 3015 fiber laser cutting machine also belongs to large equipment, of course, the price with its function and material is inseparable,

so how to choose the right 3015 fiber laser cutting machine manufacturer? Solid laser cutting machine has the characteristics of low price and good stability,

but low energy efficiency. 3%, the current output power of the product is mostly below 850W,

due to the small output energy, mainly used for drilling and spot welding and thin plate cutting.

Its green laser beam can be used in pulse or continuous wave, with short wavelength, good light concentration for processing,

especially in the pulse hole processing is more effective, can also be used for cutting, welding and lithography, etc.

The laser wavelength of solid laser cutting machine is not easy to be absorbed by non-metal, so it can not cut non-metal materials,

and the solid laser cutting machine needs to solve is to improve the stability and life of power supply, that is, to develop large capacity,

long life of optical pump excitation light source, such as the use of semiconductor optical pump can greatly increase the energy efficiency.

Main advantages: can cut other laser cutting machine can cut the aluminum plate,

copper plate as well as most nonferrous metal materials, machine purchase cheap, use of low cost, simple maintenance,

most of the key technology has been mastered by domestic companies, accessories price and maintenance cost is low,

and the machine operation and maintenance simple, requirements for workers personnel quality is not high.

Main disadvantages: can only cut the material below 12mm, and the cutting efficiency is quite low.

Main market positioning: below 10mm cutting, mainly for self-use small and medium-sized enterprises and processing requirements

are not particularly high most sheet metal manufacturing, household appliances manufacturing, kitchenware manufacturing, decoration,

advertising and other industry users, gradually replacing wire cutting, CNC punch,

water cutting, small power plasma and other traditional processing equipment.