3000W Laser cutting machine to find the focus position method

The laser power density of 3000W Laser cutting machine has a great influence on cutting speed, and the choice of focus position is very important.

The spot size of laser beam is proportional to the focal length of the lens. There are three simple ways to determine the cutting focus in the industrial field:

First, printing method: make the cutting head move from the top down, and print the laser beam on the plastic plate, and print the small diameter as the focus.

Two, oblique plate method: with the vertical axis into an Angle oblique plastic plate so that the horizontal pull, looking for the small point of the laser beam as the focus.

Three, blue spark method: remove the nozzle, blowing air, the pulse laser hit on the stainless steel plate, so that the cutting head from the top down, until the blue spark is the focus.

At present, many manufacturers of laser cutting machine equipment have realized automatic focusing.

With automatic focusing function, the processing efficiency of laser cutting machine can be significantly improved: thick plate perforation time is greatly reduced;

The machine can automatically adjust the focus to the appropriate position for processing different materials and different thicknesses.