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What are the main characteristics of laser welding machine welding technology?

What are the main characteristics of laser welding machine welding technology?

Laser welding is characterized by no contact welding, no direct impact on the product, no deformation;

Laser welding process, laser beam energy density is high, processing speed is fast, local processing, etc., non-laser irradiation parts have no or minimal influence, the thermal influence area is small, the workpiece thermal deformation is small;

Laser beam is easy to focus, to achieve direction change, convenient and all kinds of control system collocation of complex workpiece welding, processing mode is flexible;

Excellent production, stable and reliable processing quality, good benefit.

At the same time laser welding machine and what are the feasibility, completion?

Products with requirements for welds

This kind of product adopts laser welding equipment to weld small welding seam, no auxiliary materials are needed.

Go for automated products

Laser welding machine can be programmed for welding, automatic processing path, easy to realize automation.

Products under special Conditions (greenhouse)

Laser welding machine is easy to install, can work in vacuum, air and some gas environment.

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