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Laser Machine

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Customer-Centric Focus

Share your product needs or questions, and we'll dedicate ourselves to finding the best sheet metal solutions for you.


Free Consultation

Receive complimentary consultation and laser market analysis to jumpstart your laser business with our high-quality machines.

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Tailored Solutions

Customized service can meet diverse needs, together with free drawings and free trial running.

laser welding machine

Operates at a fast welding speed, improving efficiency.

Handheld Fiber Laser Welding Machine

laser welding machine

Customizable laser collimated output with a default 4mm spot size.

Handheld Fiber Laser Cleaning Machine

laser welding machine

Experience the power of 1.5KW, 2KW or 3KW Fiber Laser for precise cutting and welding.

3 In 1 Fiber Laser Welding Machine

Contact us


High Tech Industrial , Bowang Town, Maanshan, Anhui, China

Contact Us

Phone : + 86 183 2557 2889

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