¿Qué materiales puede limpiar la máquina de limpieza láser 1000w?

laser cleaning machine 1000w is a kind of welding equipment commonly used in the welding industry. This kind of welding equipment not only has many advantages, but also has a common scale. However, many people do not know what materials are welded by laser welding performance.

laser cleaning machine 1000w can weld the following materials:

1. Stainless steel

In general, stainless steel welding is easier to discuss than conventional welding. Because the high welding rate has a small heat affected zone, sensitization does not become an intense result. Compared with carbon steel, the low thermal conductivity of stainless steel is easier to obtain deep melting narrow welds.

2, die steel

Laser welding machine can be applied to S136, skd-11, NAK80, 8407,718,738, H13, P20, W302, 2344 and other materials welding, and the effect is good.

3, carbon steel and plain alloy steel

Carbon steel adopts laser welding machine to stop welding, the effect is superior, the welding quality depends on the impurity content. In order to obtain satisfactory welding quality, the carbon content exceeds 0.25% when preheating. When steel with different carbon content is welded to each other, the torch can be slightly oriented towards the low-carbon material.

The above three examples of materials can be adopted laser welding machine to stop welding, of course, can weld the material is far more than the above several, can say that the laser welding performance of welding materials is abnormally many. Trust laser welding machine in the future development road, the prospect will be more and more vast.