Plegadora hidráulica CNC E21 y plegadora hidráulica de chapa serie WC67Y

Durmapress ofrece una gama de plegadoras hidráulicas CNC E21 y plegadoras hidráulicas de chapa serie WC67Y diseñadas para satisfacer diversas necesidades industriales. Estas máquinas están construidas para proporcionar precisión, fiabilidad y eficiencia en aplicaciones de metalistería.

Pressure Requirements and Models

Our hydraulic press brakes are available in models with pressure capacities ranging from 30 tons to 1000 tons. This wide range ensures that customers can select the machine that best fits their specific bending requirements. Whether you need to bend light gauge sheet metal or heavy-duty plates, we have a model that will meet your needs.

Length Requirements and Models

In addition to varying pressure capacities, our press brakes also come in different lengths, ranging from 1.6 meters to 12 meters. This variety allows customers to choose a machine that is perfectly suited to the size of the materials they are working with. Whether your project involves small, intricate parts or large, expansive sheets, Durmapress has the right machine for you.

CNC E21 Hydraulic Press Brake

The CNC E21 hydraulic press brake is designed for precision and ease of use. It features an advanced E21 control system that allows for accurate and repeatable bending operations. This machine is ideal for workshops that require a reliable and efficient solution for their metal bending tasks.

WC67Y Series Hydraulic Sheet Press Brake

The WC67Y series hydraulic sheet press brake is known for its robustness and high performance. It is equipped with a user-friendly interface and advanced hydraulic systems, making it suitable for a wide range of bending applications. The WC67Y series is perfect for customers who demand high-quality results and efficient production processes.

Cizalla guillotina CNC

Quiénes somos

Durmapress se especializa en el diseño, la fabricación y la venta de diversos equipos de procesamiento de metales, como plegadoras, cizallas, punzonadoras, máquinas de corte por láser, etc. La empresa se fundó en 2000. Con años de experiencia y acumulación de tecnología. DurmaPress se ha convertido en una de las marcas más conocidas de la industria china de maquinaria para el procesamiento de metales.

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