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Safety regulations for the use of W12NC-25*2000 Four Roller CNC Plate Bender

Safety regulations for the use of W12NC-25*2000 Four Roller CNC Plate Bender

1. During the operation, the operator should stand on both sides of the workpiece Four Roller CNC Plate Bender .

2, in the operation, check the roundness with the sample, must be stopped after. When rolling the workpiece to the end, should leave a certain allowance.

3, when working, it is strictly prohibited to stand on the workpiece, not to stand on the rolled cylinder to find the right roundness.

4, rolling thick, large diameter cylinder or material strength of the workpiece, should be a small amount of rolling roll down and should be rolled several times.

5. When rolling the narrow cylinder, it should be rolled in the middle of the roller.

6. During operation, hands and clothes should be prevented from being involved in the roller.

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