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The reason that affects the service life of CNC turret punch die

(1) Whether the material of the mold has been specially treated CNC turret punch die;

(2) the structural form of the mold CNC turret punch die;

(3) Clearance of the lower die;

(4) Position accuracy of upper and lower molds;

(5) Adjust the reasonable use of gaskets;

(6) whether the stamping plate has good lubrication;

(7) whether the stamping plate is smooth;

(8) Type and thickness of stamping plate;

(9) The neutral position of each turret of the stamping machine;

(10) Whether the guide keys on the machine turret are intact.

The above factors are more direct is the thicker the plate, the harder the material and step processing, the life of the mold will be shorter, in addition to the mold to put in the mold position, the mold position to clean around, after cleaning, spray some oil to the punch, and then insert the mold position, the concave die can also be put in the mold position. Special attention should be paid to the consistency of the direction of the upper and lower molds. Before installation, carefully see whether the specifications of the upper and lower molds are the same, and the direction of the cutting edge should be consistent. If misplaced, the mold will be broken once, or even damage the machine. After the mold is installed, let the turret rotate, while observing the upper and lower tower, especially the concave die is uneven, if there is uneven, to carefully check the cause.

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