The pressure of hydraulic press is generally set as the standard pressure when leaving the factory

The pressure of hydraulic press is generally set as the standard pressure when leaving the factory. Customers can adjust the pressure according to the production of different product materials. However, if the pressure output of a press is unstable in the use process, we need to check it to avoid future problems. So what are the reasons for the unstable pressure output of hydraulic press?

a) The press spool hole a is blocked, or the diameter of the hole on the valve sleeve is blocked by dirt, resulting in the inlet and outlet pressure difference of the spool is unstable, and the flow rate is unstable. The press can use 1mm diameter wire perforated valve sleeve and the feedback hole on the spool or blow through with compressed air.

b) The press inlet and outlet reverse, speed control valve like a general throttle valve, no pressure feedback compensation, speed control valve installation surface without locating pin. It should be noted that the press cannot be reversed.

c)Hydraulic press inlet and outlet turnover.

d)Hydraulic press check valve spool and seat are not closed, there is internal leakage.

e) Reducing valve spring failure, spring fracture, installation error.

f) Speed control valve internal and external leakage leads to unstable flow, should deal with leakage.

g) The differential pressure valve spool of the press is blocked by dust. The screw plug on the spool can be removed, and the reducing spool can be extracted from the valve sleeve for deburring and cleaning inspection.