¡Cascabeles! Un regalo de Navidad del personal de Durmapress!

Hello, friends! Merry Christmas!!! All members of Durmapress extend their warmest greetings to you and your loved ones. May the joy and peace of the holiday accompany you throughout the coming year and pave the way for our prosperous cooperation and common development.

In this romantic, dreamy, and exciting holiday, Durmapress also launched a surprise event to celebrate Christmas! Every member is immersed in this cheerful atmosphere. To bring mystery and surprise to everyone, colleagues in the HR department carefully and secretly arranged the venue and planned activities. Now let's take a look!

Birthday Surprise
Didn't expect it? Someone has a birthday on Christmas Day! To give the birthday boy a surprise, colleagues in the HR department also included birthday wishes in the plan to celebrate Christmas. The celebration of this birthday party not only includes sincere blessings between colleagues and carries Durmapress's care for every employee. I hope every employee joining Durmapress will feel love in this big family and walk with love.

Quiénes somos

Durmapress se especializa en el diseño, la fabricación y la venta de diversos equipos de procesamiento de metales, como plegadoras, cizallas, punzonadoras, máquinas de corte por láser, etc. La empresa se fundó en 2000. Con años de experiencia y acumulación de tecnología. DurmaPress se ha convertido en una de las marcas más conocidas de la industria china de maquinaria para el procesamiento de metales.

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