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Full electric servo CNC punch-has become a new trend in the development of turret punch in the world with its superior performance and remarkable characteristics.

Full electric servo CNC punch has become a new trend in the development of turret punch in the world with its superior performance and remarkable characteristics.

Two, the main motor only in stamping operation, great energy saving.

Servo motor as stamping power source, high precision, high efficiency, low noise, energy saving, can achieve punching, forming, rolling, lettering and other processes.

No hydraulic pipeline joint, reduce pipeline oil leakage and aging, low maintenance cost.

V. Mechanical transmission, electrical and pneumatic components are imported brands.

6. Powerful NUMERICAL control system, friendly interface, easy to learn and easy to use, automatic cutting, automatic adding molds and other features.

7. Multi-axis linkage control function.

Eight, intelligent mute stamping

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