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cleaning machine

¿Por qué elegir la máquina de limpieza láser de 2000W para la eliminación de óxido?

La limpieza por láser de 2000W es un proceso respetuoso con el medio ambiente que se utiliza para eliminar óxido, pintura, óxidos y otros contaminantes de las superficies metálicas. Debido a su alta eficiencia y la no contaminación del medio ambiente, es utilizado por más y más empresas. Ventajas de la máquina de limpieza láser 2000W 1. Sin contaminación El proceso de limpieza láser de metales no utiliza productos químicos, es más respetuoso con el medio ambiente, no daña la salud de los empleados. El método de limpieza sin contaminación hace que los limpiadores láser... Leer Más "¿Por qué elegir la máquina de limpieza láser de 2000W para la eliminación de óxido?

Tres tipos de máquinas de limpieza láser Ventajas de la limpieza

Tres tipos de máquinas de limpieza láser Ventajas de la limpieza La gente presta cada vez más atención a la protección del medio ambiente en el desarrollo de la industria, y la contaminación ambiental y los contaminantes superficiales se han convertido en una parte indispensable de la producción. Los métodos de limpieza tradicionales consumen mucho tiempo, no pueden automatizarse y a menudo tienen un impacto en el medio ambiente. Tampoco existe una forma fiable de medir la limpieza. Por ello, cada vez más personas y empresas siguen tratando de comprender el ahorro de energía, el efecto poste, la protección medioambiental de la limpieza láser... Leer Más "Tres tipos de máquinas de limpieza láser Ventajas de la limpieza

Half-year maintenance of the Full Covered Fiber Laser Cutting Machine with Exchange Table (or after 2000 hours of operation)

1) Check whether there is any corrosion phenomenon in the cooling water pipe of the laser head. If there is, it should be processed or replaced in time. 2) Check whether the fuel tank of the excitation power supply is leaking 3) Check whether the high-voltage cable is damaged Full Covered Fiber Laser Cutting Machine with Exchange Table . 4) Check and clean the inside of the laser cavity and all the lensesincluding the front window mirror tail mirror reflector… Leer Más "Half-year maintenance of the Full Covered Fiber Laser Cutting Machine with Exchange Table (or after 2000 hours of operation)

Correct cleaning method for optical 3000W fiber laser cutting machine lens

Optical 3000W fiber laser cutting machine used in the lens is divided into many kinds of focusing lens, protective lens, etc., in the process of its work will inevitably be some pollution, such as water pollution or dust pollution, so the daily maintenance process needs to clean the laser lens, in order to ensure the stability of the laser cutting machine. Of course, cleaning lenses can not be the same as clear lenses in our life, need special attention, this… Leer Más "Correct cleaning method for optical 3000W fiber laser cutting machine lens

laser cleaning machine 200w in food machinery manufacturing advantages

Compared with traditional processing technology, laser cleaning machine 200w has prominent advantages in food machinery production. Traditional processing methods need to open mold, stamping, cutting plate, bending and other links, low work efficiency, large mold consumption, high pollution probability, high use cost, seriously hindered the pace of innovation and development of food machinery industry. The application of laser processing in food machinery has the following advantages: 1, safety and health: laser cutting is a non-contact processing, so it is very… Leer Más "laser cleaning machine 200w in food machinery manufacturing advantages

Importance of regular maintenance of optical path system of metal laser cutting machine

1, the mirror for a long time to use will be processed by the smoke pollution, and then affect the output of the laser, so it needs to be checked and maintained regularly, in order to ensure clean. Usable absorbent cotton dips in take anhydrous ethanol or special lens cleanness fluid undertakes cleaning. It should be noted that when wiping, even if it is not cotton, it can also be replaced by other soft objects, but it must not be… Leer Más "Importance of regular maintenance of optical path system of metal laser cutting machine

2000w fiber laser machine for metal cutting in the use of the process will appear cutting sheet metal material gap is too wide, encountered this common problem how to deal with it

2000w Fiber laser cutting machine in the use of the process will appear cutting sheet metal material gap is too wide, encountered this common problem how to deal with it? We can start from the following three aspects. 1, the operation engineer should first check the focal length of the optical 2000w fiber laser machine for metal cutting , check whether the focal length is correct, find errors to adjust in time. At the same time, it should be noted… Leer Más "2000w fiber laser machine for metal cutting in the use of the process will appear cutting sheet metal material gap is too wide, encountered this common problem how to deal with it

1kw fiber laser cutting machine the lens cleaning

In the process of replacement, the placement, detection and installation of optical lenses should be paid attention to make the lenses free from damage and pollution. After a new lens is installed, it should be cleaned regularly. 1. Do not install lenses with bare fingers. Gloves or rubber gloves should be worn. 2. Do not use sharp instruments to avoid scratching the lens surface1kw fiber laser cutting machine . 3. Do not touch the film when taking the lens, but… Leer Más "1kw fiber laser cutting machine the lens cleaning

Laser cleaning equipment is a new generation of surface cleaning high-tech products.

I. Laser cleaning equipment  Product Introduction: Laser cleaning equipment is a new generation of surface cleaning high-tech products. Easy to install, operate and automate. Simple operation, turn on the electricity, open the equipment, can carry out no chemical reagents, no media, no dust, no water cleaning, automatic focus, fit surface cleaning, cleaning surface cleanliness advantages, can remove the surface of the object resin, oil, dirt, dirt, turbidization, coating, coating, paint. Ii. Equipment features: ►Laser cleaning equipment  The first fiber high… Leer Más "Laser cleaning equipment is a new generation of surface cleaning high-tech products.

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