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Advantages of CNC plasma cutting machine:High material utilization rate, slit width up to 0.1mm, generally between 0.1~0.3. Can be used for precision machining

1. High material utilization rate, slit width up to 0.1mm, generally between 0.1~0.3. Can be used for precision machining, high precision workpiece, convenient nesting.

2. The heat affected area is small, generally in the range of 0.1~0.15mm, the workpiece deformation is small.

3 CNC plasma cutting without mechanical stress and surface damage.

4 cutting section good quality, fast speed, high efficiency, low noise, zero pollution.

5. Cutting can be carried out in any direction, and can be cut from any point.

6. Mature process, CNC plasma cutting programming.

7. Fine processing, no tool wear, no mold.

High degree of automation, easy to use.

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