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Aquí compartimos noticias del sector y más información sobre soluciones de procesamiento de metales, así como respuestas a algunas preguntas sobre nuestros productos.

S 600 Series CNC / MOTORS / DRIVES

S 600 range La nuova gamma di CNC Esautomotion nasce dall’esigenza di soddisfare una sempre maggiore richiesta, da parte degli utilizzatori, di CNC performanti,di facile impiego, con estetica e funzionalità al passo con le ultime tendenze. Da ciò la scelta di realizzare una nuova gamma di prodotti per deformazione che ripropongano le eccezionali prestazioni della precedente linea S500 in un ambiente grafico rivisto ed aggiornato e con utilizzo esclusivo di schermi Touch Screen e Multitouch.La nuova linea di Cnc Esa… Leer Más "S 600 Series CNC / MOTORS / DRIVES

The main function of Hydraulic elbow making machine is to make the round pipe reinforcement, connection and so on

The main function of hydraulic elbow making machine is to produce round pipe reinforcements and connections. This versatile machine has applications across a variety of industries, including air duct manufacturing, kitchenware manufacturing, lighting, hardware, tinsmithing, metal fabrication, and decorative engineering. Capable of processing plate thicknesses of 1.2 mm, stainless steel 0.6 mm, and diameters from 125 to 1250 mm, the hydraulic elbow machine guarantees precision and efficiency in your work. Equipped with features such as a vertical elbow machine that… Leer Más "The main function of Hydraulic elbow making machine is to make the round pipe reinforcement, connection and so on

What are the temperature requirements of 1000W laser cutting machine?  

We all know that no matter what the normal use of things need certain environmental conditions. 1000W Laser cutting machine as a machine tool equipment, to normal operation is a certain temperature conditions.   Generally speaking, the key component of CNC machinery is CNC system, its working environment is generally between 5 degrees to 70 degrees, in this temperature range, high temperature than low temperature on the laser cutting machine, the temperature is too low, easy to cause gas pipe and… Leer Más "What are the temperature requirements of 1000W laser cutting machine?  

CNC Plate Shearing Machine For Oil Should Pay Attention To Several Aspects

To avoid issues with the CNC shearing machine during oil changes, it's important to pay attention to the following:
Regular Oil Level Checks:
Check the oil level of the car's fuel tank weekly. If it's below the standard level, fill it with gear oil.
Optimal Water Temperature:
Maintain water temperature between 35℃ and 60℃, avoiding temperatures exceeding 70℃. High temperatures can cause gasoline and parts to degrade.


W11s-80 ×3200 rodillo superior máquina universal de laminación de chapa

La laminadora universal de chapas de rodillo superior W11S-80 ×3200 está diseñada para el precurvado de extremos de alta precisión y ofrece control NC para una producción eficiente. Su rodillo superior de tambor de cintura y su rodillo inferior ajustable garantizan un curvado preciso para una amplia gama de espesores de chapa. Con rodillos inferiores fijos y un rodillo superior móvil, la máquina prioriza la seguridad del operario. Su estructura integral permite una fácil movilidad y una sencilla instalación de los cimientos.

Compra de cizalla para chapas de acero inoxidable

La máquina cizalla de chapa de acero inoxidable es para adaptarse a las diferentes necesidades de los fabricantes de la industria de procesamiento de metales desarrollado una máquina cizalla de chapa,

Especialmente utilizada para cortar chapa de acero inoxidable. Jiangsu Liwei como fabricantes profesionales de la máquina de esquileo de la placa, nuestras categorías modelo son muchas,

para que muchos clientes puedan elegir. Al mismo tiempo, también aceptamos la personalización personalizada.

High-speed biting machine is suitable for ventilation, air conditioning, purification and other devices of air duct production

High-speed biting machine is suitable for ventilation, air conditioning, purification and other devices of air duct production, according to the requirements, can be made into a variety of square, rectangular sheet air duct, is a variety of sheet metal processing, air duct production and other indispensable mechanized equipment. High speed roll back machine (high speed bite machine), bite machine is divided into high speed bite machine, multi-function bite machine, joint Angle bite machine, cutting bite machine, single flat bite machine,… Leer Más "High-speed biting machine is suitable for ventilation, air conditioning, purification and other devices of air duct production

Working principle of shrimp elbow machine for ventilation pipe

Working principle of shrimp elbow machine for ventilation pipe Multi-function wire winder is a new type of small equipment processed from metal sheet. Multi-function winch machine is mainly operated by manual operation, light to use, small volume, convenient to move. Multi-function winch machine for all kinds of building materials processing and mechanical equipment processing. Plate flanging, pressure line, pressure hoop, groove, convex groove. Manufacturing chimney, elbow. Hand-operated multi-functional wire winder basic description: Multi-function winch machine is also widely used in… Leer Más "Working principle of shrimp elbow machine for ventilation pipe

Cizalla guillotina hidráulica para cargas pesadas

Máquina cizalla hidráulica de chapas y máquina cizalla hidráulica pendular avanzada Maanshan

La máquina cizalla hidráulica de chapas Maanshan cuenta con un robusto mecanismo de soldadura totalmente de acero, asegurando la transmisión hidráulica y la eliminación de vibraciones para el alivio de tensión, alta resistencia y rigidez óptima. La máquina cizalla hidráulica de chapas péndulo simplifica el sistema hidráulico empleando el cilindro principal para el movimiento de cizallamiento hacia abajo (fijado en el panel de pared) y el retorno del cilindro de nitrógeno, garantizando un funcionamiento estable y eficiente. Durante el cizallamiento, el soporte superior de la herramienta de la máquina cizalla pendular gira alrededor de un eje fijo, utilizando una acción de palanca para... Leer Más "Máquina cizalla hidráulica de chapas y máquina cizalla hidráulica pendular avanzada Maanshan

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