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8x3200 hydraulic pendulum plate shears in the cylinder of the screw emerged sliding wire

8x3200 hydraulic pendulum shearing machine is one of our company's exclusive products, lost the high and low recognition of depositors and complaints.

8x3200 hydraulic pendulum shears and hydraulic sluice shears are the most common shears.

The company in the design of the two facilities to build a rich lesson, where we will explain the 8x3200 hydraulic shear blade then emerged fault how to overcome?

1, 8x3200 hydraulic swing shearing machine blade such as the emergence of blade and blade is not unified, may be blade splint, adjustable blade splint adjustment block,

the best step is to lower the blade blade three-dimensional adjustment splint adjustment block, so that the blade blade and blade three-dimensional stability without gap.

2. If the blade is not unified at both ends, it may be that the screw rod in the cylinder of 8x3200 hydraulic swing plate shearing machine emerges sliding wire,

which needs to be dismantled and adjusted by amateur repairers.

3, then sprang up between the blade and the blade, normal is caused by the clip sand table,

so in 8 x3200 hydraulic pendulum shearing machine blade frequently in the assembly of them has strong impact to the clip sand table,

invite clip sand bump air splint, so brilliant bright surface and splint coarse faces from union between the blade and the blade,

as long as the clip sand to be removed, All the teeth can be ground flat in a three-dimensional grinder.

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