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Teach you how to adjust the precision of 1500W laser cutting machine

1. When the spot of the focusing laser is adjusted to a small size, the spot shooting is carried out to establish the initial effect,

and the focal length position is determined by the size of the spot effect. As long as we look for a small spot of laser light,

this location is the best processing focal length, and then the processing begins.

2. In the front of the laser cutting machine debugging, we can use some debugging paper and workpiece waste to spot check the accuracy of the focal position,

and move up and down the laser head height position. Spot check laser spot size, there will be different size changes.

Adjust different positions for many times to find the smaller spot position and determine the focal length and better position of the laser head.

3. After the laser cutting machine is installed, a marking device is installed on the cutting nozzle of the CNC cutting machine,

and a simulated cutting pattern is drawn by the marking device, and the simulated pattern is 1m square.

A circle with a diameter of 1m is built in, and diagonals are drawn at the corners.

After drawing, use a gauge to measure if the circle is tangent to the sides of the square.

The center axis of the circle should bisect the edge of the square.

The distance between the center axis and the intersection of both sides of the square should be 0.5 meters.

By testing the distance between the diagonal and the intersection, the cutting accuracy of the equipment can be judged.

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