Five mistakes of CNC Plasma Cutting Machines

1. Perforated cutting, use CNC Plasma Cutting Machines to cut from the edge as far as possible, this is to protect the cutting nozzle and other vulnerable parts.

To help use them longer, align the edge of the work piece first, and then turn the tool.

2. Frequent arc, in the cutting material when there is no good planning of the cutting situation, so frequent adjustment, frequent arc, which will accelerate the loss of nozzle and motor.

3. Nozzle overload, the increase of nozzle current can improve the cutting efficiency, but too high current will damage the body.

The current intensity of the nozzle should not hit the state of full load, 95% of the working current can be.

4. If the cutting distance is too small or too large, the cutting distance of plasma cutting machine is negatively correlated with the cutting efficiency.

The smaller the distance, the higher the efficiency. However, too small torch will wear the cutting nozzle, so you need to control the distance reasonably.

It should be noted that when perforating, the cutting distance should be as large as possible.

5. The perforation thickness is too large, the cutting machine can perforate the distance is specified, generally half of the cutting thickness.

In addition to the above five common plasma cutting machine use mistakes, there is a very important point to ensure

that the cutting machine parts clean, these stains will affect the function of plasma cutting machine.