Recognition of eight faults of best quality press brake

There are many types of best quality press brake faults, today we will briefly introduce several, but also often encountered eight faults.

1 each fault of the bending machine should be classified by associated fault or non-associated fault,

associated fault count, non-associated fault such as misuse fault and subordinate fault is not counted.

However, the test should be recorded best quality press brake.

In the calculation of the bending machine reliable discharge characteristic quantity,

only the essential fault. However, if an essential fault causes a secondary fault,

the essential fault should be classified according to the severity of the fault.

3 The faults that cannot be determined as essential faults or secondary faults are counted as essential faults.

4 if the bending machine has a number of functions can not be completed or the performance index exceeds the specified limit,

and the goal can not prove that they are caused by the same reason, then each is a fault of the bending machine.

If it is caused by the same reason, only a fault occurs in the bending machine.

5 if a function of the bending machine can not be completed or the performance index exceeds the specified value,

and it is caused by a number of independent faults, then each independent fault is a fault of the bending machine.

6 Each repeat fault is counted as an associated fault.

The replacement of parts reaching the specified life span and the damage beyond the specified life span are not included in the number of faults.

8 stop detection or test after the end of the inspection found in the fault,

the fault occurred time is considered to be the moment of stop.